CUSATECH FOUNDATION is a public company established by CUSAT incorporated on 24 September 2019. The CUSAT Technology Business incubator (TBI) is functioning under the guidance of CUSATECH Foundation for students where they are engaged in creative and innovative activities.

The underlying idea is to promote critical thinking and problem solving ability through hands on activity. CUSAT TBI helps technology-based start-up businesses with all the necessary resources or supports that the start-up needs to evolve and grow into a mature business

Director Board List

  • Dr Saji Gopinath, VC Digital University Kerala
  • Dr Suresh Nair, Founder and CEO of Design Alpha
  • Mr Shilen Sagunan, Chairman Malabar Innovation Zone
  • Mr Shrikumar Suryanarayan, Chairman and CEO, Sea6 Energy Pvt. Ltd
  • CEO Kerala Startup mission
  • Nominee from Industries department
  • Mr Prasad Balakrishnan, former CEO of Maker Village