CITTIC is the first university-centric student TBI in the state. The 4000 sq ft space offers an excellent environment for our faculty and students who have brilliant ideas or research output which may eventually be commercialized.

Incubation facilities include air-conditioned co-working space, a high-speed wifi network, meeting rooms, and other amenities for a low fee.

With the objective of promoting the entrepreneurial culture among students from the start of their study programmes to change their mindset from job seeker to job provider, CITTIC regularly organises entrepreneurial awareness programmes and expert talks to create a culture of innovation and spread the spirit of start-up and entrepreneurship.

Among the events organised by CITTIC on the campus, the most notable ones include CUSAT INNOVATE, MAKER WEEKEND, HACKATHONS, ENTREPRENEUR-SHIP AWARENESS CAMP (EAC), etc.

CUSAT has implemented the Student Entrepreneurship policy by which students registering start-ups with CITTIC are eligible for grace marks up to 4% and attendance up to 20%. More than 100 students have availed of this over 3 years.